Do you want to balance academic results with enormous interest?!
Sydney tutor in Accounting, Biology, Business Studies, Calculus, Chemistry, Communication, Computing, Creative Writing, Economics, Engineering, English, English Literature, ESL, Essay Writing, Finance, Health Studies, History, IELTS, Management, Maths, Medicine, Physical Education, Physics, PTE, Reading, Statistics
I travel to these locations
Burwood, Campsie, City and others to be specified
(7 student reviews)
In Hugeheart Education Sydney, we believe that: "there is no un-teachable students in the world".
Specialized in Primary Key Learning Areas (known as KLA)
ESL English (English as Second Language)
Chamber of Reputable teachers in below specialisations:
- HSC ESL English
- HSC Standard English
- HSC Advanced English (3 Units and 4 Units)
- HSC Maths [Standard, Extension 1]
- HSC Advanced Maths [3 Units and 4 Units]
- Chemistry
- Biological Science
- Physics - Earth and Environmental Science
- Modern history
- Applied Information system
- Ancient History
- Accounting and Finance
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Practical Industry experience teachers!
- IELTS. Examiner level Specialist!
- Visiting University tutors such as: assisting microbiology tutor from Harvard University
We are a group of partnering teachers who each of us specialize in different fields. We
believe that if you want to climb Mount Everest, you need to find a coach that has
climbed Mount Everest's peak before. We do not believe to choose a rock climber to be
our coach. Only by then we could find the shortcut for our students looking from the top
angle and find the shortest ways for our students.
We have testimonials after the others.
Graduate diploma in education from University of New South Wales
Bachelor of international business from Macquarie University
Bachelor of Engineering from University of New South Wales
Bachelor of Commerce from Macquarie University
Bachelor of Informational Technology from Macquarie University
Bachelor of Medicine Science from Australian National University
Master of Science and Technology
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Engineering from Michigan State University,
United States
Bachelor of Pharmacology in University of Bristol in United Kingdom
Master of Biomedical Engineering in University of New South Wales in Australia
As we breathe, we humbly teach, our honourable Doctor team:
Doctor in Mechanical Engineering -UNSW
Doctor in Physics -USYD
Doctor in Biomedical Engineering - UNSW, HARVARD UNIVERSITY
Head Teaching Assistant of Microbiology- Harvard University
$35 per hour
Joined Tutor Finder on 28-Oct-2015 (updated profile on 19-May-2024